A blog or two ago I mentioned that Winnie Au and I were working on a project for Working Class Magazine. Well, its finally up and viewable for all to see! Please click here to read.
This project has sparked all sorts of intrigue in my life. I can't explain most of it in words but what I can express is that now, more than ever, I know who I am.
This might sound strange but I feel it. Interviewing people and learning of their faith has only made me stronger in my Christian beliefs. And learning that I can be in different environments with such conflicting spiritual views and still exit having made several friends feels great.
I feel like an adult and a woman who is capable of listening. I also feel stronger and less fearful.
Up until recently, it'd been so easy to live in fear and uncertainty because of our current economic strife. But thankfully, I've become less scared and more excited. I'm doing my best to focus on positive outlets and do less complaining.
If we're at the bottom then the only way is up, right?