I'm back in Brooklyn and jeepers its cold. TOO COLD!
Despite the cold and bitter walks to subway stops, I'm happy to be stoppin' in my regular stoppin' ground as well as meeting up with friends. I've only been back 3 days and already feel as if I've lived 10 weeks of Texas time.
Tonight, my friends and I are headed to the East Village for eats and hopefully dancing. But first we are going to The Elsa: a new bar on 3rd Street that has a sewing machine as a tap. Interesting right? Since sewing is literally my bread and butter I have to check this place out and get more info about the sewing machine. I wonder if it is a Singer 1950s model?
What else? I met up with Photographer Winnie Au yesterday at The Rabbithole in Greenpoint. She and I are teaming up on a project for Working Class Magazine. Our project will be a write up, along with photo journalistic photography about Ghosts and Faith in Brooklyn. We're looking for factual ghost stories from the area so if you have one send it to me and we can go from there.
Side Note: Prior to this project, I wouldn't even think to think about the paranormal. But since our talks and jaunts for research sake, I've been quite intrigued by the topic---so much so that we may even go ghost hunting within the coming weeks. BOO.
I think that's it for now. Till February.